The multi-angle saw is designed for cutting the hollowcore flooring slabs directly on the production beds. The saw can cut any angle from 0 -180º degrees in the hollow core flooring slabs. It can perform large skews and shallow off sets and also drive long cuts/rips down the entire length of the slab.
The crosscut saw is specifically designed for cutting 90 degrees crosscuts in the hollowcore flooring slabs. It provides a fast, reliable and economical cutting solution. The saw can be designed to work in conjunction with any existing hollowcore factory.
The range of cutting saws includes different types to meet the needs of any manufactures.
From the simplest type of cutting saw for cutting the concrete in fresh, that is manually operated in order to split the slab longitudinally up to the fully automated cutting saw with a cutting height up to 500 mm. at any angle, that are designed for hard work with low maintenance costs., simplicity in operation and with high safety for the workers.
The cutting saws are moved along the casting beds on rails, making straight, cross or angle cuts with diamond blades of different diameters according to the cutting height. The saws include a water tank with blade cooling pump.
Optionally the cutting saws are also available with cable drum for electric cable and water hose.
Regarding to the operation method: you can choose manually, half-automatic with automatic cutting process and manual position by the operator. Many models have also other optional automation possibilities, including the complete programming of the cuttings on the bed with laser measurement.